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Help us raise funds for the Hornby Hydrotherapy Pool

Hornby Rotary is leading a fundraising campaign in association with the Greater Hornby Residents Association to get a hydrotherapy pool built as part of the new Matatiki: Hornby Centre which will serve the wider Christchurch community. The good news is that the pool Complex and Library is now open to the public and the hydrotherapy pool is included! But we still need your help, of the $1.4 million needed we still need to raise $200,000 to cover the cost! If you can help head over to our ‘givealittle’ page or better still ‘buy a bubble’ here!


Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Hydrotherapy pool?

Hydrotherapy is the use of warm water to treat medical conditions. The water temperature is usually between 33–36°C, which is warmer than swimming pools, (typically kept at 26–28°C)

Hydrotherapy is a recognised physical and mental health treatment. The water pressure and movement act as a form of physiotherapy for body and joint pain. It can help alleviate the symptoms of a wide range of conditions such as arthritis, osteoporosis, cerebral palsy, and recovery from accidents and sporting injuries.

Who can use the pool?

Everyone is welcome to use the pool. However, hydrotherapy can be particularly beneficial for anyone with a disability, a long-term health condition or anyone who is rehabilitating from an operation or injury.

What are the benefits of hydrotherapy compared with land-based physiotherapy?
Patients with weak and painful joints and muscles tend to find exercise and movement in the warm water much easier and less painful than land-based exercise. This is because water supports the body and the force of gravity is reduced. The warm water has a relaxing effect.
What is hydrotherapy good for?

• Being immersed, buoyant or massaged in water can relieve our bodies in a variety of different ways, and hydrotherapy can help with many physical and emotional complaints, including
• Back pain
• Pain relief
• Anxiety, stress and high blood pressure
• Poor muscle and skin tone
• Poor circulation
• Muscle pain, soreness and inflammation
• Headaches
• Hip or other joint replacements (before and after the operations)
• Muscle or ligament injuries; broken limbs
• Spinal cord injury
• Neurological conditions such as strokes or brain injuries
• Rheumatoid arthritis, cerebral palsy, ankylosing spondylitis

Where will the hydrotherapy pool be?
The Christchurch City Council is building the Hornby Centre – a multi-use facility that includes a pool, library and service centre on Kyle Park. Given the strong community demand a hydrotherapy pool will be added to the centre but will require some community funding. The Rotary Club and the Greater Hornby Residents’ Association are leading the community fundraising efforts and they are asking the community for help. Please get behind this great initiative’
How can I help?

We have a Give A Little campaign running to assist with our fundraising efforts. No amount is too little to help us reach our target to bless our community on the South West of Christchurch with this valuable resource. We will be announcing further opportunities to partner with us over the next few months to help reach our goal

Our Supporters

The Rotary Club of Hornby has a long tradition in funding essential projects in the area, including funding for the West Coast Air Rescue Trust. The Club is made up of local people trying to help the community. It is a great way for local businesses and communities to connect and network. The Rotary Club of Hornby membership includes leaders in business, industry, the professions, government, sports, and religion who work together to share ideas and benefit the community. Founded in 1915 Rotary now has expanded to over 200 countries.

To help make this project happen, we are also partnering with the following supporters:

The Greater Hornby Residents Association

The Greater Hornby Residents Association

The GHRA are proud to team with Hornby Rotary to bring the communities voice to action to help fundraise for this valuable asset for our area.



Webmad are proud to support the fundraising efforts with website and technology strategy assistance to help bring the fundraising goals to life

Rotary Club of Hornby

Rotary Club of Hornby

Rotary Club of Hornby (Charitable Trust) is your local Rotary Club Based in Hornby. We have an active team of approx. 35 volunteers who promote Rotary activities and raise funds to support our local community and good causes (locally and further afield).

Christchurch City Council

Christchurch City Council

The Christchurch City Council is the local territorial authority for the City of Christchurch (including Banks Peninsula).

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